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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Nicholas Nehrbauer, Jr.
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George Realmuto posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Q: What will you never forget about Nicholas?
A: Nick and I both attended Manhattan College and I was so reassured about my chances of navigating the rigors of medical training because we came from the same science base and I know he would make it. In one of the physiology labs we took Nick had the unfortunate experience of being bitten by a rodent and subsequently spent many weeks recovering from some bizarre virus. With all of that and the challenges of course work and the overwhelming burden of memorizing he was steady and normal. By that I mean the strain brought many of us to the edge.
Over the years I have thought about Nick and was happy that he lived near the hall of fame a place in medicine that he deserved to be enshrined.
David Heiler posted a condolence
Thursday, June 27, 2024
I will always be thankful for the times spent with Nick. Whether it be hunting , fishing or just having fun in the Adirondacks tearing up the back roads in Moose River Planes in his Land Cruiser. Nick was a major part of my family through good times and bad. He was truly the kindest person I ever knew.
George Heiler posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
So many great memories, but one that jumps to mind occurred during a group camping trip to the Adirondacks. Our camp site was raided by some black bears one night. Not only was Nick the first one there to help, he supplied other campers with the odd hatchet or knife he had with him. “Just in case they come back” he said. We all laughed about it the next day and don’t you know it, Nick was up early, went to town and brought back fresh doughnuts for all. Truly one of the kindest, most generous people you could meet.
The family of Nicholas John Nehrbauer, Jr. uploaded a photo
Monday, June 17, 2024

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Joseph nehrbauer posted a condolence
Friday, June 14, 2024
Joe Nehrbauer 6/14/2024
Unlike my brother, I suck at discussions during emotional times….. so I’m gonna get my thoughts out here. Nick had 12ish years on me…. that’s not so much now but growing up – that was a grade school and high school career apart (quite a difference). Of all the siblings I think we are the most alike, always working on cars even if sometimes we got in over our heads… willing to try new stuff, and I’d like to think the same sort of sense of humor. (Nick was always a better story teller…. But I tried!) He put up with the little tag along brother and I learned so much from him – not the least of which was how to curse something out REAL GOOD (but only if it deserved it!) – sorry Mom and Dad!
Some of the fonder memories were:
1) The time I was able to fix his manual transmission with my tiny 9-10 year old hands that fit down inside the manual transmission of his 65 chevy. He couldn’t believe I did it!
2) Going on all the trips to his girlfriend’s homes to keep their parents busy while he “visited”. One of these involved driving over the Whitestone bridge where he would throw into the toll collection box whatever change he had and then drive through – it was never enough- boy the alarms would go off! (my first lesson in the fact that rules can be ridiculous!)
3) The numerous fishing trips to places I can’t believe he found – beautiful, quiet places where crazy, silly and never to be forgotten stuff happened.
4) The importance of helping others: when he was including me on his vacation, driving to the Adirondack’s and happened upon a motorcycle accident. Everything stopped – he got out and rode with the guy in the ambulance to the hospital. Marylou and I sat in the car on the side of the road and waited till he returned. But ever the joker and story teller – The patient started taking a turn for the worse – he told the driver to step on it – so the driver did. With each intersection the high-speed ambulance would fly over the uneven road. Nick noticed that each time some part of the ambulance would get left behind….. his comment to the ambulance personnel – “I hope we have enough parts to make it to the hospital”.
5) On a personnel note – the time he took care of my badly infected toe. This time I got to “see him in action” – damn I was a scared ~14-16 year old – Nick brought home a bag of all sorts of stuff – including a BIG, I mean HUGE needle in case I responded bad to antibiotic….. What the HELL is he gonna do with THAT I thought! I can only imagine what Mom was thinking! Well he sat me down – didn’t bother to explain what was gonna happen – just said “hold on guy – we’re gonna take care of this”, and boy he did! I felt so much better – but I slept with my hand on my heart that night making sure it was still pounding!
I could go on but I think you got the picture – God what a Brother! – This little brother is gonna miss him terribly!

A Memorial Tree was planted for Nicholas Nehrbauer, Jr.
Friday, June 14, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Owens-Pavlot & Rogers Funeral Service Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Nicholas John Nehrbauer, Jr. uploaded a photo
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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